Sunday, September 25, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Nav bar sample
Hey everyone, I thought this was a cool idea for a nav bar maybe for an art league website. It doesn't really fit with my theme but might give someone else an idea.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Logo samples
My first concepts for the OAL logo. My thoughts were to use an older font. After visiting the town it's clearly proud of it's rich history and things seemed very vintage. It's definitely not a sleek modern place and I think the demographics of the members of the Art League would appreciate something more classic looking. The orange color dominated the buildings in the downtown area, bricks, paint, you name it.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Ottawa, IL
Made the trip to Ottawa today. Who knew the little old town is COVERED in murals, really amazing murals, well worth a trip just to see them. OAL a store front window (!), but still nice. A town filled with really amazing artwork, a gorgeous park, old downtown buildings and great little coffee shops. Too bad we didn't have enough time to visit Starved Rock.
If anyone is unable to make the trip that is doing the OAL, I am happy to share my pix if they can be of use (I have more than what I posted) to you.
If anyone is unable to make the trip that is doing the OAL, I am happy to share my pix if they can be of use (I have more than what I posted) to you.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Ottawa Art League website brief
Designer: Angela Dygdon
¨ The client is a Community Art League that holds monthly meetings for local artists and art patrons to gather and discuss art. Their goal is to promote a greater interest in local art.
¨ The Target Market Demographics are equal male and female, generally aged 30-60, from local communities in and around the Ottawa area.
¨ The Client needs the site designed to visually represent its audience through color, attitude, visuals, language, etc. Content will include information on their current website, including member information, art shows, and links to member websites. The site should look professional and be easy for a novice user to navigate.
¨ Designer will create the entire website and interface, layout for the pages and specify any other elements.
¨ Client wants site to include member artwork samples as a gallery and focus on showcasing the annual art shows they organize, including the children’s art show. They would like sophisticated easy to read fonts used and muted colors appealing to a more mature audience.
¨ Client would like to include the information that is listed on their current website as well as adding more photographs for the gallery pages and art shows. They would also like to include information and listings for their children’s art classes.
OAL Children's classes & kids camp
Ottawa Art League offers children's art classes
The Ottawa Art League is offering art classes in a fun, outdoor environment Wednesday, June 23, and Thursday, June 24, at the Ottawa Art League Gallery, 807 La Salle St. Participants must be at least 8 years of age. All supplies will be provided. Class size is limited to 10. Each class will have a league member and helper. To register, call Sharon at 815-357-1556 or e-mail The following classes will be offered:
Ottawa Art League hosts Kids Art Camp
The Ottawa Art League is hosting Kids Art Camp later this month in downtown Ottawa. Classes will be offered in drawing, painting, photography, pastels, cartooning and mandalas. All classes will meet at the OAL Gallery, 807 La Salle St., Ottawa. To sign up, email Sharon at Class size is limited to five children. The following classes will be offered:
OAL Town & Country Art Show research information
54th Annual
Town and Country Adult Amateur Art Show
April, 2012
Deadline TBA
The Town and Country Adult Amateur Art Show offers non-professional artists and artisans the opportunity to have their art publicly exhibited and professionally judged. The purpose of this exhibit is to encourage AMATEUR artists’ pursuit of artistic pastimes. Although permitted, the show is not intended as a forum for promoting sales.
Eligible Entries
The show is open to all media. Entries must be new, original work created by the amateur artist. Work not meeting these criteria will not be exhibited or judged. Original entries are conceived, composed, and executed entirely by the exhibitor. Paintings may be of any artist-visualized natural, architectural, manufactured, imaginary, still life, or photographed subject. Exhibited photographs must be taken by the artist, but may be commercially processed and framed. Sculpture of all types, woven items, pottery, and other fine craft exhibits MUST BE ENTIRELY CONNTRIVEDAND CREATED BY THE EXHIBITOR from raw materials or basic elements, i.e. no kits.
Amateur Adult Artists are broadly defined as those who:
• Do the exhibit of art for pastime, not vocation.
• Have no degree in visual fine arts, commercial art, photography, ect. and are not currently enrolled in an educational program leading to an art degree.
• Do not teach arts or crafts as a profession or compete in professional art exhibits.
New work is defined as that which:
• Has been completed within one year prior to the current show.
All entries meeting theses criteria will be judged. The committee reserves the right to withhold from public display any works deemed inappropriate. Placement of the artwork within the exhibit is solely at the discretion of the committee with primary regard to space limitations. Special requests by exhibitors regarding placement of their work will not be accepted. Eligible entries may represent any visual art media.
Examples include:
Painting: oil, acrylic, transparent and opaque watercolor, mixed media & collage.
Drawings: pencil, ink, pastel, charcoal, mixed media.
Printmaking: linoleum, woodblock, steel plate, copper, collage, found materials and silk screen.
Fine Craft: ceramic pottery & stoneware, jewelry, enameling, weaving, stitchery, ect.
Sculpture: 3-dimensional works not otherwise categorized.
Photography: black and white or color prints (no slides).
All exhibited work is judged in a single open class (no individual categories). Entries receive blue, red, or white ribbons reflecting their judgment, not based on any quota. In addition, a Best of Show ribbon is awarded by the judge. Best of Show and Blue Ribbon winners have the option to advance to the State Town & Country Adult Amateur Show in the fall. A public critique of the exhibit will be presented after the judging is complete. The judge’s decisions are final.
Preparation Requirements of entries for Display
The Town & Country Committee requires that all pieces be prepared as follows for artistic display. If these requirements are not met the entry will not be displayed.
• Entries MUST BE CLEARLY LABELED on the back with entry title, artist’s name, address, and phone.
• Paintings, photographs, drawings, ect. MUST BE PROPERLY FRAMED OR OTHERWISE MOUNTED with wire attached for secure and attractive hanging. Photographs, watercolors and drawings must also be covered with glass or Plexiglas.
• Collage will be hung on display racks along side paintings and photographs (or placed on tables as required) SPECIAL PROTECTION MUST BE PROVIDED BY THE ARTIST.
• The artist MUST PROVIDE SPECIAL DISPLAY (frames, pedestals, ect.) for pieces which cannot be hung or placed on a table. Protective cover for pins, jewelry, and other small pieces must also be provided by the artist.
The committee will make every possible effort to display entries in the best manner consistent with available space. The artist must supply extraordinary display requirements (special frames, pedestals, ect.) for entries.
Framing and Hanging Requirements for all Exhibits
Canvasses should be mounted on stretchers, canvas boards, or other suitable rigid mounts secured to the picture frame or cover. All pieces on paper must be matted and framed or mounted behind glass or Plexiglas. MATTED PIECES WITOUT FRAMES OR OTHERWISE SUITABLE RIGID MOUNTING WILL NOT DISPLAYED. Backing board must be well secured to the frame or rigid mounting. Hanging wires must be securely attached to the sides of the frame with screw eyes /clamps/d-rings one-fourth to one-third of the distance from the top (do not use string or thread). Do not use glass unframed or with brackets or toothed metal hangers at the top. Stretch wire so that it forms an inverted “V” 1-3 inches from the top center of the frame when it supports the picture’s weight. Be certain all frames, (especially metal) are fitted and screwed tightly at the corners.
Permission to photograph or otherwise use and item for publicity is implied unless a statement to the contrary is attached to the exhibit piece.
Cost is $ 7.oo for one (1) entry or $10.oo for up to four (4) entries
For more information contact Donna Mesarchik at 815-257-4273 or e-mail
Mail Entries and Checks made payable to the Ottawa Art League to:
Donna Mesarchik
P.O. Box 234
Leonore, IL. 61332
Entry Form
53rd Annual Town & Country Art Show
Presented by the Ottawa Art League
Hosted by Jeremiah Joe Coffee
807 LaSalle St. Ottawa, IL
Sponsored in part by the Illinois Valley Fines Arts Trust



Entry Deadline: April 2nd, 2011
Send entry check and form to: Donna Mesarchik, P.O. Box 234 Leonore, IL. 61332
Please make checks payable to: Ottawa Art League
Neither the Ottawa Art League nor its members, individually or as an organization, assumes liability for loss, damage, or injury as a result of theft, loss, fire, or accident involving exhibits of art. Other than providing responsible volunteer supervision of the exhibit by members of the Ottawa Art League, no other responsibility for personal property of exhibitors, guests, or members is assumed by the Ottawa Art League, including our location host. The Ottawa Art League will not be responsible for works left after shows close.
Neither the Ottawa Art League nor its members, individually or as an organization, assumes liability for loss, damage, or injury as a result of theft, loss, fire, or accident involving exhibits of art. Other than providing responsible volunteer supervision of the exhibit by members of the Ottawa Art League, no other responsibility for personal property of exhibitors, guests, or members is assumed by the Ottawa Art League, including our location host. The Ottawa Art League will not be responsible for works left after shows close.
I have read the rules and agree to observe them. I understand that I will be responsible for any damages I inflict on Jeremiah Joe Coffee Property.
Blue Ribbon Winners will be eligible to exhibit at the State Town & Country Show in Champaign. Information regarding the State Show will be mailed to Blue Ribbon Winners at a later date.
OAL Visions of the Valley research information
Visions of the Valley
Fine Art Show & Sale
Jeremiah Joe Coffee
807 LaSalle Street
Ottawa, IL. 61350
807 LaSalle Street
Ottawa, IL. 61350
Visions of the Valley is open to both professional and amateur artists. Original works in painting, graphics, sculpture, photography, wood, glass, metals, printmaking, ceramics, jewelry and mixed media are eligible. NO kit crafts are allowed. Artists may only exhibit in the medium(s) in which they are juried. The Ottawa Art League reserves the right to refuse exhibition of work not consistent with submitted applications.
Visions of the Valley is open to both professional and amateur artists. Original works in painting, graphics, sculpture, photography, wood, glass, metals, printmaking, ceramics, jewelry and mixed media are eligible. NO kit crafts are allowed. Artists may only exhibit in the medium(s) in which they are juried. The Ottawa Art League reserves the right to refuse exhibition of work not consistent with submitted applications.
Jury Process
Artists must submit three (3) slides, photos, or a CD that accurately represents their current work. If artists would like to exhibit in more than one category they must submit three (3) slides/photos in each medium. Please do not send actual work. Photos and slides should be labeled clearly with the artists name and medium. Please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope with proper postage for return of application materials. Notification of acceptance will be mailed by March 10th. No refunds after March 19th. Artists who participated in 2010 need not be juried.
Artists must submit three (3) slides, photos, or a CD that accurately represents their current work. If artists would like to exhibit in more than one category they must submit three (3) slides/photos in each medium. Please do not send actual work. Photos and slides should be labeled clearly with the artists name and medium. Please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope with proper postage for return of application materials. Notification of acceptance will be mailed by March 10th. No refunds after March 19th. Artists who participated in 2010 need not be juried.
Each artist is required to be in attendance during show hours. The artist is required to display their original artwork. Prints should be signed, numbered and marked limited edition. Reproductions must be marked as such and should not comprise more than 25% of the display. All work displayed for sale should have prices clearly marked. All sales tax reporting will be the responsibility of the artist. Ottawa City Tax is 7%. It is recommended that you have a copy of your IBT number with you.
Set-up is from 7-9am. There are entrances in both front and back of Jeremiah Joe Coffee. Artists are responsible for providing their own display. Booth sizes are approximately six (6) feet deep and eight (8) feet wide.
Set-up is from 7-9am. There are entrances in both front and back of Jeremiah Joe Coffee. Artists are responsible for providing their own display. Booth sizes are approximately six (6) feet deep and eight (8) feet wide.
Booth Fee $25 Non-refundable jury fee $5
Ottawa Art League Members booth fee $20/no jury fee
Booth Fee $25 Non-refundable jury fee $5
Ottawa Art League Members booth fee $20/no jury fee
If you would like a prospectus mailed to you please send your name & address to or you may copy and paste the application form below.
Checks payable to: Ottawa Art League
Mail application, jury fee, booth fee, and SASE to:
Carol Crane
507 Herbert
Peru, IL. 61354
Mail application, jury fee, booth fee, and SASE to:
Carol Crane
507 Herbert
Peru, IL. 61354
Will you be bringing display screens______________________________________
Will you be bringing tables?___________________________________________
Will you be bringing display screens______________________________________
Will you be bringing tables?___________________________________________
Neither the Ottawa Art League nor its members, individually or as an organization, assumes liability for loss, damage, or injury as a result of theft, loss, fire, or accident involving exhibits of art. Other than providing responsible volunteer supervision of the exhibit by members of the Ottawa Art League, no other responsibility for personal property of exhibitors, guests, or members is assumed by the Ottawa Art League, including our location host. The Ottawa Art League will not be responsible for works left after shows close.
Neither the Ottawa Art League nor its members, individually or as an organization, assumes liability for loss, damage, or injury as a result of theft, loss, fire, or accident involving exhibits of art. Other than providing responsible volunteer supervision of the exhibit by members of the Ottawa Art League, no other responsibility for personal property of exhibitors, guests, or members is assumed by the Ottawa Art League, including our location host. The Ottawa Art League will not be responsible for works left after shows close.
I have read the rules and agree to observe them. I understand that I will be responsible for any damages I inflict on Jeremiah Joe Coffee Property.
23rd Annual Youth Art Show
April 2012
Jeremiah Joe Coffee
807 LaSalle St. Ottawa, IL. 61350
Sponsored by the Ottawa Art League
Funded in part by the Illinois Valley Fine Arts Trust
The purpose of this Art Show is to promote an interest in the visual arts and provide an opportunity for youth to gain experience in displaying their art in a show.
Open to Middle School and High School Artists
Entry deadline TBA
Set-up begins at 8am and judging starts at 10am.
The Best of Show winners will be invited to display with the Ottawa Art League Members at their annual Members Only Fine Art Show being held this year in September. Gift Certificates will also be awarded to the top places in each division.
Rules for entry
1.There is a two entry limit per student. Artwork should be matted, framed or mounted.
2.Participants must be middle school through high school.
3.All art forms both 2D and 3D are eligible. All entries must be original works; no tracings, computer art or reproductions will be judged.
4.Nudes and references to illegal substances will not be judged.
Each artwork will be judged individually based on originality, composition and technique. An experienced art instructor will do the judging and all decisions made by the judge are FINAL. Blue, red and white ribbons will be awarded to all work and a Best of Show in each division will be chosen.
For more information contact Carol Englehaupt at 815-357-1401 or
Mail entries to:
Carol Englehaupt
2370 East 2659 Rd.
Marseilles, IL. 61341
Entry Form



Neither the Ottawa Art League nor its members, individually or as an organization, assumes liability for loss, damage, or injury as a result of theft, loss, fire, or accident involving exhibits of art. Other than providing responsible volunteer supervision of the exhibit by members of the Ottawa Art League, no other responsibility for personal property of exhibitors, guests, or members is assumed by the Ottawa Art League, including our location host. The Ottawa Art League will not be responsible for works left after shows close.
Neither the Ottawa Art League nor its members, individually or as an organization, assumes liability for loss, damage, or injury as a result of theft, loss, fire, or accident involving exhibits of art. Other than providing responsible volunteer supervision of the exhibit by members of the Ottawa Art League, no other responsibility for personal property of exhibitors, guests, or members is assumed by the Ottawa Art League, including our location host. The Ottawa Art League will not be responsible for works left after shows close.
I have read the rules and agree to observe them. I understand that I will be responsible for any damages I inflict on Jeremiah Joe Coffee Property.
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